When you’re trying to find the right company to repair or replace your roof, people often tell you to look at customer reviews. But why? What exactly are you looking to find?

In truth, using roof client stories as a measuring tool to determine a company’s credibility is one of the most accurate ways to go about it. Who better to ask than the people who have paid for the services and experienced the company’s customer service?

What to Look for In Roof Client Stories

When searching for roof client stories, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. 

First, people are significantly more likely to leave a review after a negative experience. People love receiving a great service, however, they also love leaving bad reviews when they feel slighted.

Second, a company that responds to bad reviews is a great sign that the business owner cares about the reputation of the business and how customers feel about their service.

Keep reading to find out everything you should seek to learn from reading client reviews and testimonials.

1. Good Communication

How well does the roofing company communicate? One of the most frustrating things about having construction done on your home is when you can’t get a straight answer from the contractors.

See what the company’s roof client stories say about their communication skills. Keep a lookout for any reviews that say the client had trouble talking to anyone in the company who could help them.

2. Fair Pricing

Next, as with all investments, a major concern should be the cost. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • How does their price range compare to other local roofing companies?
  • Do any of the reviews talk about hidden or extra fees?
  • How often do people complain about cost-related issues with the company?

3. Honored Warranties

Sometimes, consumers choose a service or product based on the warranties they come with. For example, people are willing to pay thousands of extra dollars on a new car to get the best warranties available.

When it comes to hiring a roofing company, see what the roof client stories say about honored, voided, or ignored warranties. Some companies are great about guaranteeing their work but terrible about honoring the actual warranty.

Do they offer a 10-year warranty, 25-year warranty, or a lifetime warranty?

4. Quality Workmanship

There’s no point in hiring a cheaper company if it comes at the cost of workmanship. A high level of workmanship is one of the most desired qualities people seek in a roofing company. They want their home to be finished beautifully with quality materials and workmanship that will last as long as possible.

Look at client reviews to see if there are common complaints about poor work being done, sloppy finishes, etc.

5. Efficiency

Finally, when looking through roof client stories, pay attention to any posts that mention inefficient workers or drawn-out projects. While some clients can expect too much, if a roofing company has several complaints about taking too much time to finish projects, workers sitting around on the job, etc., you may want to think twice about hiring them.

You want your home to be a construction zone as little as possible.

Need Some Roof Work Done?

If you need some roof work done, you’re in the right place. Check out our roof client stories or contact us today to see what we can do for you. And don’t forget, we offer a free estimate.

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